Arreth – Strong Bush Medicine

7 Mar
4 Apr 2020

Artists of Ampilatwatja

1/3 Vickers Street

The masterful Artists of Ampilatwatja are once again exhibiting their finely dappled canvases at Salon Art Projects.

Whether you are in need of Kwenkart (Turkey Bush) for headache, Therrpeyt (Native Fuchsia) for cold and flu, or Ntang (edible seeds) for feeding the family, the Artists of Ampilatwatja have an exquisite bush medicine guide for you to enjoy in the form of painting.

The exactitude of the stippled marks made by these highly accomplished painters are indicative of their skill and discipline. The intricate layers of paint both reveal and conceal traditional knowledge held by the artists, allowing the viewer an insight into ancient healing practices. As always, you will be moved by this illuminating, brightly studded body of work.

IMAGE: Margaret Kemarre Ross Bush Flowers and Bush Medicine Plants (detail), 2019, acrylic on linen, 76 x 61 cm, Cat No 1033-19

Artists of Ampilatwatja

Jessie Ngwarraye Ross
Pammy Kemarre Foster
Serina Ngwarraye Holmes
Jessie Ngwarraye Ross
Kathleen Nanima Rambler
Margaret Kemarre Ross
Joyrene Ngwarraye Holmes
Natasha Beasley

Beverly Pula Luck
Alana Ngwarraye Holmes
Rita Pitjara Beasley
Sonya Ngwarraye Petrick
Robina Pitjara Jones
Lilly Kemarre Morton
Edie Kemarre Holmes
Daisy Kemarre Moss