
1 feb
29 feb 2020

Salon Art Projects

1/3 Vickers Street

The colour pink surrounds us in the natural Australian environment, sometimes as a soft glow and other times a blazing beam.

This exhibition showcases a spectrum of pink artworks from remote communities Australia wide. From the dusky pink Tiwi Island ochres to the dazzling pink skies of Mornington Island and rich desert country around the Fitzroy Valley region. Glints of pink feather or naturally dyed bush string sit alongside glossy pink depictions of wildflowers from the central desert. The pastel pop of Ikuntji Artists new screenprinted textiles range will be sure to leave you tickled pink!

IMAGE: Nyapanyapa Yunupiŋu, Circles (detail), etching, 29 x 39 cm, Cat No 3939-19

Salon Art Projects in association with:

Munupi Arts
Ikuntji Artists
Mangkaja Arts
Julalikari Arts
Babbarra Designs
Buku-Larrŋgay Mulka
Mornington Island Arts
Artists of Ampilatwatja
Maningrida Arts & Culture